Sunday, March 1, 2015

January 26, 2015

Dear Fam:
This week was pretty good.  We taught alot of lessons but couldnt find anyone good,  they were all super flaky.  But this week will be way better!!!

Spencers home! Thats crazy, his misson passed so fast!  hes such a good example for all the youn men. ya i emailed him like 2 weeks ago, i felt bad because i hadnt like emailed him his whole mission. but  he served with my good buddy reid arne!

Thats awesome jake!  you are one determined dude, stay focused and keep progressing in the gospel! i remember my first lesson in priest quorum...i was scared to death. ya dont worry about this fall, we´ll go on member lessons with the missionaries all day erryday boiii!   and when we arent baptizing those sinners we can go to the gym and get jacked together. 

Dad you´re awesome.  you´re the best dad ive ever had! :)

4th quarter is our quarter!!!

well now for a little spiritual thought:

We did have one experience really special this week, we had a less active named nathalia that called to us in the road a few weeks ago and has been going to church 4 weeks straight now and talked with bishop and really wants to get her life back together. she said she loves going to church and has never felt this much desire to go to church in a long time.  She has one of the strongest testimonies i have seen.  We have taken her on a few member lessons and she has helped a ton, we took her to this other girl we are teaching named valeria, and it was awesome!   Valeria has 20 years old and has a little boy of 2 years,  she has said so many times she wanted to go to church but hasnt gone, but she read the whole book of mormon and the whole index in the back! she said she knows its true, so we didnt wanna give up on her.  But we had to talk to her really firm about going to church, and it seems like it helped.  She went to a baptism on saturday and to church sunday.  she loved it and already has a few friends at church! her baptism is marked for the 7th of febuary.  Im sure nathalias testimony helped strengthened valerias .  The spirit is so strong and nathalia cant help but try and hold back her tears everytime she bears her testimony in the member lessons.  When we walked her back to her house after the lesson she started crying as she thanked us for "rescuing" her and helping her come back to church.  It caught both of us (Elder Smith and i)  offguard, we were speechless and sat there for a moment and then she quickly changed the subject.  But It was kinda nice to hear someone say thank you, its not what i look for or even what i desire in this work,  but after knocking doors all day and being rejected so much when we are just trying to help people, it was kinda nice to hear a sincere "thank you."  I think we experienced just a little of what Christ feels when someone applies his atonement, experimetns of the fruit of the tree of life, and stops, and with a sincere heart kneels down and cries out through the tears "Thank you! Thank you!"   I think thats why the Savior was so willing to do what he did, so that he could see all of us experience the love that he has for each one of us "True Love of Christ".  So let us show the Lord that we are grateful for what he did, saying "thank you" for his sacrifice and his service,  but not just with our words, but with our actions, applying the atonement in our lives, and helping others to do so, and afterwads saying thank you!  I know He Lives and Loves each of us.  I know his atonement is powerful beyond our understanding, i know that "whoever you are, and whater you have done, you can be forgiven!" 

Love you all! have a great week!

-Elder Grondel!


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